A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Immerse yourself in learning the Ukrainian language at camp

SASKATOON - Many accolades were directed at the organizers by the attendees of the second Adult Ukrainian Language Immersion Camp (AULIC) held last year at Trident Camp, Crystal Lake, Saskatchewan.

So great was the response that the next AULIC, which has been set for August 7-10, has led organizers to consider this an annual tradition. The plan is to schedule all future AULICs for the weekend immediately following the long first weekend in August.

The increased level of interest in the AULIC has been simply amazing. In 2001 there were 11 registrants. while in 2002 that number more than doubled to 24. An indication of how valuable the immersion camp is to attendees is the fact that there were five registrants from the U.S.A. The very modest registration fee was just a fraction of their cost, which included their airfare from such places as Baltimore, Seattle and Detroit.

The fee for 2003 will be $175 per student. This year's AULIC will offer three levels of instruction: beginners, intermediate and advanced.

The program will not be all class work. The evenings will include singing, learning the finer points of Ukrainian cuisine, plus playing cards or watching selected videos. For the entire four-day weekend Ukrainian will be the "official" language. The above activities will be complemented with a trip to a historical site or some other point of cultural interest.

Simply stated, attending the AULIC is money and time well spent. Those interested in learning more about the program should contact the AULIC organizing committee via Tony Harras: phone, (306) 586-6805, fax, (306) 585-7945; e-mail, [email protected]; address, 455 Habkirk Drive Regina, SK. S4S 6B2 ).

The AULIC is a joint project of the Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association of Regina and the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Regina.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 4, 2003, No. 18, Vol. LXXI

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