Quotable notes

"April 26 marks the 17th anniversary of the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in Ukaine. For the last 17 years, millions of people in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine have lived with a daily reminder of the moment that changed their lives forever. The explosion of the Chornobyl nuclear reactor on April 26, 1986, has led to long-term consequences to their health and welfare. The tragic legacy of Chornobyl will remain with them, and their descendants, for generations to come.

"As we take note of this grave anniversary, the Secretary-General wishes to make a special plea to the international community to remember the victims of Chornobyl. He reiterates the comminent of the United Nations system, in partnership with non-govemmental organizations, to assist the governments and people of the affected states to forge ahead on the path to recovery. He calls on donors to respond generously in kind, in a joint demonstration that Chornobyl will nerve be forgotten."

- statement delivered on April 26 by the spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 11, 2003, No. 19, Vol. LXXI

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