Rep. Weldon addresses Ukrainian American Federation

PHILADELPHIA - Over 200 members of the Ukrainian American community gathered at the recent general membership meeting of the Ukrainian Federation of America at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center in Philadelphia to greet Archbishop Stefan Soroka, Ambassador Kostyantyn Gryshchenko and Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.).

The program for the meeting was part of the federation's ongoing activities in developing and maintaining positive relations between Ukraine and the United States, and between the Embassy and the diaspora.

In prepared comments, Ambassador Gryshchenko, who was introduced by Dr. Albert Kipa, the moderator for the program, noted many positive things that are occurring in Ukraine, including three years of positive economic growth; the creation of a good environment for small business, industry and agriculture; the success of the multi-party system in Ukraine, and the presence in the Persian Gulf of the Ukrainian anti-nuclear, -biological and -chemical (NBC) unit positioned to support coalition forces in case of an attack or incident.

He acknowledged the need by the Ukrainian government to address civil rights concerns and foreign policy issues that trouble the United States and the European Union. He concluded his remarks by stating that the government is aware of these concerns and is fully committed to a democratic, economically stable and civil society.

Rep. Weldon, who had just recently returned from a visit to Ukraine, was introduced by former Rep. Charles F. Dougherty. Having had extensive meetings with Ukrainian government officials, including two private meetings with President Leonid Kuchma and extended meetings with leaders of the Verkhovna Rada, Rep. Weldon was upbeat about Ukraine and the potential for better U.S.-Ukraine relations.

The congressman echoed the sentiments of the ambassador, but added that there was a lot more work to be done in developing democracy in Ukraine.

Rep. Weldon noted the positive signs he saw in Kyiv during his visit and said that the opportunity exists to re-establish a warm relationship between the U.S. and Ukraine governments. He concluded his remarks by advising the federation membership of his commitment to establishing an ongoing relationship between the U.S. Congress and the Verkhovna Rada and noted that he would be hosting a visit to Washington this summer by a delegation from the Ukrainian Parliament. He urged Ukrainian American to get more involved in America's political system as a way of making their collective voice heard in Washington and impacting, in a positive way, U.S.-Ukraine relations.

Following Rep. Weldom's remarks the Ukrainian Federation of America presented both Rep. Weldon and Ambassador Gryshchenko with a set of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine published by the University of Toronto Press. The ambassador took this opportunity to then present the honors of a grateful nation upon two of Ukraine's leading ladies of the stage. Liza Chepil and Vira Levytska were honored for their contributions to Ukraine's dramatic theater.

The membership of the Ukrainian Federation of America had the opportunity to meet with both the congressman and the ambassador during the reception following the March 8 meeting.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 1, 2003, No. 22, Vol. LXXI

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