PASTORAL LETTER: On the 10th anniversary of the patriarch's repose

Below is a pastoral message of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

To the venerable and beloved clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and to all who lived, worked with and followed the leadership of His Holiness Patriarch/Metropolitan Mstyslav - 1898-1993 - on the 10th anniversary of his repose:

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, It is difficult to believe that a full decade has passed since the repose of His Holiness Patriarch of Ukraine and Metropolitan of our Holy Church here in the U.S.A., Mstyslav. Throughout that time, however, it has often seemed that he was still among us provoking us to think seriously about the issues of the day, in particular about the rebirth of our Church in Ukraine - his life's dream having become reality.

The character of the servant of God, His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav, born at the end of the 19th century, like that of so many notables of his era, was forged in the crucible of religious and political upheaval, that marked the world of the 20th century in which he labored as a political and then religious leader - a hierarch of our Church in the U.S.A. for over 40 years out of a total of 51 years as a bishop.

As we mark the 10th anniversary of his repose in the hope of resurrection and eternal life, those of us who knew him well, in some instances, as the instrument by which we were elevated to the office of the episcopacy in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., join all who were touched in any manner by his visions for Church and nation in offering sincere prayers for the repose of his soul. We also offer prayers of thanksgiving for having shared life and ministry with him.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and Diaspora, for which he labored with zeal and dedication, bears the seal of his archpastoral ministry and enjoys at the table of world Orthodoxy that prestige which he envisioned and for which he himself labored for many years. In commemorating this anniversary of his repose, those of us who, "baptized and clothed in Christ," fulfill various ministries in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and Diaspora, inspired by his example, renew our commitment to quality and excellence for the glory of God and good estate and unity of His Holy Church.

Patriarch Mstyslav's vision concerning the life of the Church in Ukraine was an unshakable one that had a positive and calming effect upon the life of the Church reborn. He was the tie between the pre-Soviet and post-Soviet life of Ukraine and the life of the Church. He represented the spiritual aspirations of generations of faithful of all denominations in and beyond Ukraine. Our only regret is that his vision became reality so late in his life. We believe that there is no one in Ukraine or beyond her borders who could even remotely symbolize so much as he did in the first years of Ukraine's independence.

We still rely upon the guidance that he so frequently provided in the administration of our Holy Church, most especially that provided in his last will and testament, concerning the unity of the Church in Ukraine. May his soul rest eternally in a place of Light, a place of happiness, a place of peace, where there is no more pain, nor grief, nor sighing. May his memory be eternal!

In our Lord's all-encompassing love,

Ý Constantine, Metropolitan
Ý Antony, Archbishop
Ý Vsevolod, Archbishop

Given on the 11th day of June in the year of our Lord 2003 - Venerable Martyr Theodosia.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 29, 2003, No. 26, Vol. LXXI

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