Congress of Ukrainian historians to be held in Kamianets Podilskyi

by Lubomyr Wynar

KENT, Ohio - The second Inter-national Congress of Ukrainian Histo-rians will be held on September 17-18 in Kamianets Podilskyi, Ukraine. The congress is organized by Kamianets Podilskyi State University, the Ukrainian Historical Association and the Historical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, and is cosponsored by the World Scholarly Council of the Ukrainian World Congress and the Historical Section of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States.

The Organizational Committee of the congress is headed by Prof. Oleksander Zavalniuk, president of Kamianets Podilskyi State University; Academician Valerii Smolii, director of the Historical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and editor of Ukrainskyi Istorychnyi Zhurnal (Ukrainian Historical Journal); and Prof. Lubomyr Wynar, president of the Ukrainian Historical Association and the World Scholarly Council, editor of Ukrainskyi Istoryk (The Ukrainian Historian), and head of the historical section of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S.

The main theme of the congress is "The Present State of Ukrainian Historical Science." The plenary sessions and meetings will include topics pertaining to the development of Ukrainian historiography in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, the role of the Ukrainian historian (1963-2003) in Ukrainian historiography, and historical methodology and historical auxiliary sciences. Separate sections will cover various periods of Ukrainian history, with an emphasis on the 20th and 21st centuries and World War II.

Individual sessions will address issues of Ukrainian culture and education, problems of Ukrainian regional history, the historical development of Ukrainian statehood in the 20th and 21st centuries, the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 and the annihilation of Ukrainians, the Volynian tragedy of 1943 and other topics.

It is anticipated that over 500 historians from Ukraine, Poland, France, England, the United States, Canada, the Czech and Slovak republics, the Baltic states, Australia and other countries will attend this congress. The first Inter-national Congress of Ukrainian Histo-rians was held in 1999 in Chernivtsi and was attended by over 400 historians from around the world. The papers presented during that congress are presently being printed.

Organizers of this second congress are planning to publish all papers and materials presented during its sessions. In conjunction with this major project, the Organizational Committee is appealing to Ukrainian institutions and individuals for financial assistance. Donations from the U.S. (tax-exempt) and Canada should be made out to the Ukrainian Historical Association (Ukrainian Historical Congress) and mailed to: Ukrainian Historical Association, Attn.: Historical Congress, P.O. Box 312, Kent, OH 44240. Your financial assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Dr. Lubomyr Wynar is president of the Ukrainian Historical Association.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 3, 2003, No. 31, Vol. LXXI

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