Clifton UAV post reports full agenda

by Zenko Halkowycz

CLIFTON, N.J. - The Ukrainian American Veterans of Post No. 17 have concluded the first half of 2003 with the usual flurry of activities and meetings. Two post members who were mobilized for the Iraqi war have returned home safely and were demobilized. The energetic post commander, Walter Kupecky, who was re-elected unanimously, had a full agenda for his troops.

The post held its election of officers in April and an installation dinner was held May 18 at Mountain Side Inn. The dinner, as always, was well attended by members and friends; the ladies auxiliary, under its president Marry Prus, was instrumental in conducting a raffle. Past national commander Gene Sagash conducted the installation ceremony.

Post 17 conducted Memorial Day services to commemorate departed Ukrainian American comrades, and post members assembled on May 25 near the Ukrainian American Veterans memorial at Cedar Lawn Cemetery. At 1 p.m. Commander Kupecky called the members to form two columns, the colors were posted and a bugler from the New Jersey National Guard (a brother of a Post No. 17 member) took his position. The ladies auxiliary formed a column next to the men.

The invited members of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic clergy celebrated a panakhyda for all veterans who paid the supreme price for freedom and liberty. The chaplin, Nicholas Fadayko, read a prayer for the heroes who stood in harms way and made the supreme sacrifice.

The monument was decorated with Ukrainian and American flags, and flowers were planted around the monument. UAV member Peter Babirad has volunteered for this assignment.

In other news, Zenon Halkowycz represented the post at the farewell party for Col. Victor Hvozd of Ukraine's Mission to the United Nations, who has concluded his tour of duty. The veterans of the 2nd Ukrainian Division hosted the party at the Ramada Inn.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 3, 2003, No. 31, Vol. LXXI

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