OSCE project in Ukraine to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life

KYIV - The Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine on July 17 launched a joint program to help former military personnel adjust to civilian life.

The "Social Adaptation of Former Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" project, is aimed at approximately 18,000 people who will be discharged within a year as a result of a military reform that involves a significant reduction in the armed forces. The number of displaced persons will have a major social impact on the country.

Maj. Gen. Viktor Aleschenko, head of the Defense Ministry's Educational Department, said today: "We are grateful to have the support and cooperation of the OSCE Project Coordinator's office in Ukraine to assist us with programs to help our people."

The program, which will continue through 2004, consists of three elements: sharing international experience, developing a data base concerning labor market opportunities for former military personnel, and training for discharged soldiers and officers, as well as for officers who will help to prepare people for their release from active duty.

During the kick-off meeting on July 17 representatives from the Ministry of Defense and the National Coordination Council on Conversion and Social Adaptation informed heads of relevant government institutions and NGOs about the implementation and goals of the program.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 17, 2003, No. 33, Vol. LXXI

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