May our common prayers hasten the formation of a new Ukraine

The Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine released the following archpastoral letter on the 12th anniversary of Ukrainian independence.

"God will help her day after day." (Psalm 46)

Venerable and beloved clergy and faithful:

Christ is in our midst!

We pause to render heartfelt thanksgiving to the Giver of every good and perfect gift on the auspicious occasion of the 12th anniversary of Ukraine's exodus from the darkness of tyranny and death to the brightness of the newness of life.

We pause and we remember with great affection and esteem those religious and secular pillars of Kyivan Rus'-Ukraine - men and women of faith and commitment - who worked with fervor for the Lord throughout the centuries, utilizing the talents given them to cultivate the garden of life - the land of Ukraine, which the Lord of the vineyard entrusted to their stewardship. Their faith and deeds are worthy of being imitated by all.

There are many who are impatient with Ukraine's growth and development in the ecclesiastical and secular spheres, perhaps expecting fast-track or emotion-laden solutions to be utilized in resolving all the problems of contemporary Ukraine. It might be beneficial to remember that, not unlike the people of the Old Testament Exodus, many in present Ukraine, clerics and laity alike, find it difficult to dispose of the pseudo-religious and secular trappings of the pharaohs from which they were delivered by the grace of God 12 years ago. Many remain who have not the slightest desire to rid themselves of those trappings.

As a result, there are many who may not see or even have a vision within of the promised land - a new Ukraine - the reality proclaimed by the Psalmist David and which a true believer, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, had inscribed in Greek around the Oranta of St. Sophia in Kyiv: "God is in her midst and she shall not be moved. God will help her day after day." It is an inscription that remains to this day, continuing to remind us of our spiritual roots and proclaiming a sure future for a believing people - for our brethren and for us - the Divine Presence and Omnipotence in the face of ecclesiastical and political machinations.

On this, the 12th anniversary of the great gift of freedom given to us by God, we assure the government and all the people of Ukraine, of our prayers and continued support for those policies and projects that uphold the dignity and holiness of life for every citizen of Ukraine.

We continue to pray for and support the cause of a united and independent Church for an independent nation. Disunity and discord serve only the agenda of those who despise an independent nation and are a blatant affront to the memories of the saints of Ukraine, whose relics repose in the holy city of Kyiv and in other holy shrines throughout the land consecrated by Andrew, the first-called apostle and evangelizer of Ukraine.

May our common prayers - the prayers of brothers and sisters committed to the totality of the Gospel, which the holy apostle Andrew preached and served - hasten that day when the new Ukraine, stripped of the trappings of the 20th century "Soviet" pharaohs, will be that center from which the Light of Christ once again enlightens and permeates all the East.

Commending you and our brothers and sisters in Ukraine to the all-embracing love of Christ, we remain, your servants in the Lord.

Ý Wasyly, Metropolitan Ý Constantine, Metropolitan
Ý John, Archbishop Ý Antony, Archbishop
Ý Vsevolod, Archbishop Ý Ioan, Archbishop
Ý Yurij, Archbishop Ý Jeremiah, Bishop

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 24, 2003, No. 34, Vol. LXXI

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