NEW RELEASE: world premier recording of Hryhory Kytasty's "Holy Liturgy"

SAN DIEGO - The Kytasty Foundation has recently produced and released an exquisite recording of the profoundly beautiful composition of Hryhory Kytasty's "Holy Liturgy." This piece was composed in 1956 but, due to its rigorous performance requirements, has never been fully performed and recorded until now.

It is to the credit of the talents of Taras Myroniuk and the virtuosity of the Bells of Podil Choir that this piece has come to glorious life.

This CD is currently available directly from the Kytasty Foundation either by ordering online at (click Donations/PayPal) or by sending a check to the Kytasty Foundation, 4264 Biona Place, San Diego, CA 92116. The cost per CD is $19.95 (U.S.) plus $1.50 postage for United States or Canada.

All proceeds from the sales of the CD will help fund future projects that include producing another CD of Maestro Kytasty's previously unrecorded epic compositions for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra: "Duma about Kempten" (the forced repatriation of refugees after World War II), and "Battle at Konotop" (the victory of the Kozaks over the invading Russians in 1658).

Established in 2001, the Kytasty Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide an educational resource of Ukrainian culture by creating and maintaining a free library on the Internet of literature, music and history. Its projects include the funding of writers and musical artists to create new works and recordings for publication on the site.

The foundation has also established an annual fellowship to honor academic excellence at the Economics Education and Research Consortium's master's degree program at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

The Kytasty Foundation's website has detailed information on current projects, and presently provides over eight gigabytes of data (books, sheet music and recorded music) to the World Wide Web. A special section features the entire collection of works by Hryhory Kytasty that includes all of his original sheet music, books about him, and complete audio recordings of him conducting the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, as well as his solo performances.

Andrij Kytasty, Maestro Kytasty's son, is the foundation's founder and current chief executive officer.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 7, 2003, No. 36, Vol. LXXI

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