Ukraine's rich folk culture

Ukraine is truly blessed with a very rich folk culture. I have been fortunate to be in Ukraine to witness the beautiful and colorful festival of Spas which, in many ways, may be thought of as the Ukrainian Thanksgiving.

The celebration starts out with all of the residents of a village or town gathering on the church grounds and forming a huge oval which allows for processing along the inside. Every family brings a basket decorated with flowers and candles and laden with fruits of the harvest. Led by a small a procession carrying church banners, the priest first makes his rounds in front of the crowd with his censer. Afterwards, he makes a second pass blessing all who are gathered with holy water. The families subsequently disperse and enjoy their blessed foods over the next several days.

- Ingert Kuzych

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 7, 2003, No. 36, Vol. LXXI

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