Turning the pages back...

September 15, 1893

One hundred ten years ago, on September 15, 1893, the first issue of the Ukrainian-language newspaper Svoboda rolled off the presses in Jersey City, N.J., under the editorship of the Rev. Gregory Hrushka, pastor of the local Ukrainian Catholic parish.

The appearance of this newspaper, then a biweekly, was a true milestone in the lives of the early Ukrainian immigrants to the United States (who then called themselves Rusyns or Ruthenians). At the time Svoboda was born, there were some 300,000 of these immigrants.

The inaugural issue of Svoboda declared itself to be the people's newspaper. "Brother Rusyns," wrote the Rev. Hrushka in an appeal published on the front page of that issue, "Releasing this first issue of our newspaper into the world, we sincerely call on you Rusyn brothers in a brotherly voice: Accept and welcome this [newspaper] as your Svoboda."

The front page of that issue also reported news from the homeland under the headline "News from the Old Country." Readers learned of the great floods that had inundated the lands of Lemkivschyna and Boikivschyna as the Seret, Prut and other rivers overflowed their banks and covered farmland, homes and entire villages.

The premiere issue spelled out the paper's commitment: "to enlighten the Rusyn nation, to defend its honor against enemy attacks, to show the way toward progress, civilization and well-being." As well, Svoboda pledged to safeguard the Rusyn nation's "faith, traditions and language," and to work toward unity so that together the people could work for the common good and the betterment of their lot.

The Rev. Hrushka sought a commitment also from his readers. "The future and fate of the first authentic Rusyn newspaper here in American depends on you. It is the sacred duty of each Rusyn patriot to support our Svoboda and to contribute to its development and its existence. Give us your helping hand in this holy matter, and we, together with God, will seek out the truth, and the truth will lead to the liberty that will set us free..."

Source: Svoboda (inaugural issue), September 15, 1893, Vol. 1, No. 1; Svoboda's 110th anniversary issue, September 12, 2003, Vol. CX, No. 37; and "Ukrainian National Association: Its Past and Present (1894-1964)" by Anthony Dragan, English edition prepared by Zenon Snylyk, Jersey City, N.J.: Svoboda Press, 1964.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 14, 2003, No. 37, Vol. LXXI

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