SUMA credit union, UMANA support Weekly's Copies for Congress project

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - Donations of $1,000 each from the SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union and the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America have provided a good start to The Ukrainian Weekly's Copies for Congress fund-raising campaign for fall 2003.

In late July, The Weekly sent letters to Ukrainian credit unions and national organizations seeking financial support for its Copies for Congress project, which provides complimentary subscriptions to U.S. senators and representatives. "Our mission as a newspaper of record that serves, and is supported by, the Ukrainian American community has been to present vital information rarely conveyed by other news media. ... The Ukrainian Weekly's editorials have informed our legislators about our community's concerns and rallied readers to insist on congressional action on issues important to us," wrote Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz.

The letter also noted: "Distribution of The Ukrainian Weekly to members of Congress serves our entire community, but the cost of the free subscriptions - some $30,000 per year - is borne by The Ukrainian Weekly - a large expense for our publication. We feel very strongly that these copies should continue to reach our senators and representatives, and we believe that you agree. After all, The Weekly is the only newspaper that provides such information consistently, coherently and accurately."

The SUMA credit union, which is based in Yonkers, N.Y., and has branch offices in Spring Valley, N.Y., and Stamford, Conn., noted in its letter that, in response to The Ukrainian Weekly's letter, its board of directors had approved "a donation of $1,000 to your newspaper to help support your cause."

Signed by Treasurer/Manager Ihor Makarenko, the letter underscored that "Our board of directors appreciate your work in providing the United States Congress with copies of your valuable newspaper."

The UMANA donation was accompanied by a letter signed by George Hrycelak, M.D., executive director of UMANA, that read: "The board of directors of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America once again take great pleasure in supporting The Ukrainian Weekly's 'Copies for Congress' project." In 2002 also the association had contributed $1,000 to the Copies for Congress project.

The UMANA letter noted that the donation was unanimously approved at the August 2003 executive board meeting upon a motion by Dr. Bohdan Iwanetz, president.

Each donation of $1,000 is acknowledged with a special sponsor's acknowledgment featured prominently on page 3 of our newspaper which notes: "This issue of The Ukrainian Weekly is reaching all members of the U.S. Congress thanks to the generous sponsorship of ..."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 21, 2003, No. 38, Vol. LXXI

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