UACC appeal to Ukraine's government regarding common economic space

Below is the text of an appeal of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council to President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, Prime Minister Victor Yanukovych and Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn.

The Presidium and membership of the UACC are deeply disturbed by the Ukrainian government's announced intention to sign an agreement on September 18, 2003, between Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan to establish a common economic zone. Such an agreement would strike a serious blow to Ukraine's national interests.

While understanding the importance of Ukraine's developing commercial ties with the above-mentioned countries, the UACC nevertheless wants to call attention to the fact that, on the basis of the declarations of the president's administration, the members of the Cabinet, and the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine has set itself on the path of integration into European structures, with the aim of becoming a full member of the European Union.

Establishing a common economic zone with the above-mentioned nations, therefore, will bring Ukraine no benefit and will serve only to allow interested parties a means of manipulating Ukraine's foreign economic policies. Such a step may mark the beginning of the end of Ukraine's control over its own independent economic development.

Over the course of Ukraine's 12 years of independence, the direction for the development of its economic and political infrastructure has never been clearly specified. Meaningless promises and empty phrases have continually characterized the pronouncements issued by the highest echelons of power. Ukraine has led a zig-zag course between the CIS, NATO and a stance of supposed complete neutrality. This lack of a clearcut policy has played into the hands of those who have been undermining Ukraine's national interests for their own enrichment.

The only path for Ukraine to reach economic independence is to clearly define its foreign economic and political aims and to hold firmly to the chosen course of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures. For these reasons, integration into a Russian, Belarusian and Kazak common economic zone ought to be resolutely rejected.

For the Presidium of UACC:

Ihor Gawdiak

Dr. Roman Baranowskyj

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 21, 2003, No. 38, Vol. LXXI

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