
by Al Kachkowski

SASKATOON - The third Ukraine Day in the Park, Saskatoon's newest annual summer festival, was staged August 23 by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Saskatoon Branch. The festival took place in downtown Saskatoon's Kiwanis Park immediately north of the city's landmark hotel, the Delta Bessborough. A record attendance of over 4,000 was recorded.

Eighteen performing groups from Saskatoon, North Battleford and Prince Albert provided a dynamic program of entertainment on the large outdoor stage.

The day began with an ecumenical moleben prayer service held at 11 a.m. at the fountain adjacent to the festival site. Clergy from the Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox churches of Saskatoon led the service.

Following the prayer service, the raising of the flag of Ukraine was presided over by Eugene Krenosky, UCC-SPC president, assisted by two youths, Carmella Kondra and Jason Uhryn. All present then sang the Ukrainian national anthem, "Sche ne Vmerla Ukraina."

Activities then moved to the festival site, where participants enjoyed food and beverage service supplied by vendors representing various Ukrainian organizations. Cultural displays and children's activities attracted interest while everyone waited for the concert to start at 2 p.m.

Masters of ceremonies George Hupka and Lesia Sorkokan-Normand opened the stage program by welcoming everyone present and noting the significance of the day conducted in conjunction with the 12th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. They then called Mr. Krenosky of Regina to deliver greetings. Mr. Krenosky challenged the organizers to "continue to develop and grow your Ukraine Day in the Park so that it becomes one of the premiere cultural events in Saskatchewan in 2005 as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our province."

The four-hour stage show that followed was opened and closed by the Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble and the Yevshan Ukrainian Folk Ballet Ensemble. Other local groups performing were Larissa and Tania Makuch, bandura duet; Alexandra Hartshorn, tsymbaly; Hurkit, violins and guitar; Tut i Tam, instrumental ensemble; and Super Carpathians, instrumental ensemble. Also in the spotlight were Saskatoon dance groups, Vesnianka, Rushnychok, Sonechko, Zuravel, Sonia's School of Dance, the Saskatoon School of Dance, as well as two bands, Zvook and the Skylarks. Guest troupes from out of town were the Barveenok Dancers from Prince Albert and two older adult dance groups, Rika of Prince Albert and Zorya of North Battleford.

A colorful atmosphere was provided by the array of tents, yellow and blue streamers and red "kalyna" (actually balloons) in the trees. The comfortable and beautiful surroundings overlooking the South Saskatchewan River resulted in a pleasant and relaxing day for all present.

The cultural display tents accommodated an art display of works by Olena and Valeri Zintchouk, books by authors Danny Evanishen and Larry Warwaruk, a genealogy display by Bohdan A. Bayda and souvenirs by Taras Bayda of Fialka Promotions.

At 6:30 p.m. the stage filled with the 200 performers and other young people present for the much-anticipated balloon launch. Approximately 600 blue and yellow helium-filled balloons were released as the recorded patriotic vocal rendition of "Hey vy, Kozachenky" by Nazarij Yaremchuk filled the air with soul-stirring music. This was followed by the Ukrainian national anthem, sung as the balloons receded as mere specs in the blue sky.

The evening concluded with dancing to music provided by two live bands, the Skylarks and Zvook.

Event chairman Slawko Kindrachuk summed up of the festival this way: "We were blessed with wonderful weather, happy volunteers, talented performers and an enthusiastic crowd. It's really encouraging to see an increase in attendance."

A report on the day's activities was provided by Global Television that same evening.

Organizers thanked all the financial contributors and especially the event's major sponsors: the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko, Rainbow Cinemas and the government of Canada.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 21, 2003, No. 38, Vol. LXXI

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