FOR THE RECORD: Kuchma at the U.N.

Following are excerpts of the address delivered by President Leonid Kuchma, president of Ukraine, on September 24, during the general debate of the 58th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

... The tragic events of 11 September 2001, unfortunately, were not final in the sequence of horrible acts of terror. Just last month, on the 19th of August, the United Nations suffered irreversible losses in Iraq.

With the feeling of deep sorrow I bow my head in memory of the United Nations staff who lost their lives. We lost excellent, talented and dedicated people, and among them the Head of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, outstanding Brazilian diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello.

It's a sad and disturbing fact that during the recent years United Nations staff has been facing growing insecurity. This makes it all the more urgent for all members of the international community to fully comply with the relevant international treaties and, first of all, with the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel.

As one of the initiators of the elaboration of this Convention, Ukraine decisively calls upon all states that have not yet done so to accede to the treaty.

... Mr. President, effective response to new challenges requires urgent actions in reforming the United Nations and, first of all, its Security Council. I am confident that further delay in the long-overdue reforms can result in a serious crisis of confidence for the United Nations.

... the experience of successful reforms of United Nations activities in the maintenance of peace and conflict prevention can serve as a good example for all of us. In many situations of armed conflicts the United Nations now acts flexibly, rapidly and effectively. I am pleased to note that over the past several years Ukraine has been holding one of the leading positions among the countries contributing troops to the United Nations peacekeeping operations.

I believe that it is conflict prevention that should become pivotal in the philosophy of United Nations work in the new millennium. Ukraine fully supports the secretary-general's efforts aimed at strengthening this component of United Nations activities. In my address at the Millennium Summit I stressed the need for the international community to elaborate a comprehensive strategy on conflict prevention. In my opinion, peacekeeping operations with preventive mandate of the United Nations Security Council could become one of the key instruments of such a system. ...

Mr. President, touching upon the situation in Iraq, I would like to express confidence that the tragic losses in Baghdad will not diminish the international community's commitment to the cause of providing support to the Iraqi people for renewal of their country.

The sense of common responsibility for the destiny of longsuffering Iraqi nation, for peace and security in that region, proved to be the imperative that guided our decision to dispatch a military contingent to the Persian Gulf.

I hope that the adoption by the Security Council of a resolution on establishment of international forces for maintenance of peace and security in Iraq under the aegis of the United Nations will enable as many countries as possible to join these efforts.

... Ukraine has made a tangible contribution towards a peaceful and safe world in the 21st century by renouncing its nuclear arsenal, one of the most powerful on the planet, and by decommissioning the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

Assuming the burden of large-scale work to transform the territory of the catastrophe into an ecologically safe zone and to solve unprecedented economic, social and humanitarian problems we counted on the understanding and support of the whole world community. Today ... I wish to express hope that more decisive steps will be taken in support of our efforts. ...

Finally, one other matter to which I would like to draw the attention of the participants of this meeting.

Seventy years ago the totalitarian Soviet regime engineered an artificial famine in Ukraine, which claimed the lives of 7 to 10 million of our compatriots. Unfortunately, back in 1933 the world did not respond to our tragedy. The international community believed the cynical propaganda of the Soviet Union, which was selling bread abroad while in Ukraine the hunger was killing 17 people a minute.

From this podium I would like to call upon all of you to support Ukraine's initiative that the United Nations pay tribute to the memory of those who perished.

We do not want to settle scores with the past.

We just want that as many people as possible learn about our tragedy and that this knowledge help us avoid similar catastrophes in the future. ...

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 12, 2003, No. 41, Vol. LXXI

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