Ukrainian Research Institute

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University, we extend our warm greetings and congratulations to the editors, journalists and staff of The Ukrainian Weekly on their accomplishments and dedicated service to the Ukrainian community over the past 70 years.

We wish you many more years of productive and successful work.

Roman Szporluk

Tymish Holowinsky
Executive Director
Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University

Ukrainian Gift of Life

Dear Editor:

On behalf of the trustees and volunteers of Ukrainian Gift of Life Inc., I congratulate the staff of The Ukrainian Weekly on the 70th anniversary of publication.

To Roma Hadzewycz and the entire staff we commend the level of quality the publication has consistently maintained. Mnohaya Lita!


George M. Kuzma
Ukrainian Gift of Life

Dr. David Marples

Dear Editor:

I would like to offer my congratulations to The Ukrainian Weekly on its 70th anniversary. My association with the newspaper dates back to my time at Radio Liberty in Munich in 1984-1985, when it provided an excellent antidote to my daily struggle through the Soviet press.

In April 1986 after the Chornobyl disaster, my association became much closer. Former deputy editor Marta Kolomayets guided me through a series of press and TV interviews in New York, and Roma Hadzewycz was immediately open to investigative articles, and offered encouragement to my research with each new revelation about that event. The coverage of Chornobyl was quite extraordinary and it seemed to me after that time that The Weekly adapted quickly and appropriately to the dramatic changes taking place in Ukraine. At the time The Weekly's publisher, the Ukrainian National Association, then headed by John O. Flis, Ulana Diachuk and Walter Sochan, became aware through The Weekly of my research on Chornobyl and generously funded my second follow-up book, "The Social Impact of The Chernobyl Disaster." Chornobyl is one example of The Weekly's attention to momentous events; another is its coverage of the Ukrainian Famine, now also in its 70th anniversary, but now in no small part due to the newspaper, well-known throughout the world.

Of all my contacts with The Weekly, my closest ones are with Roma Hadzewycz, a woman of extraordinary energy and intelligence, who has dedicated herself to this mission for more than two decades. To Roma and all the staff, I wish you many more years.

David R. Marples
Professor of History
University of Alberta

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 19, 2003, No. 42, Vol. LXXI

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