UNA Executive Committee focuses on mid-year results

by Christine E. Kozak
UNA National Secretary

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Ukrainian National Association's Executive Committee met on Friday, September 26, here at the UNA Home Office.

The meeting was called to order by UNA President Stefan Kaczaraj at 10 a.m. Attending the meeting were: Martha Lysko, first vice-president; Eugene Iwanciw, second vice-president; Al Kachkowski, director for Canada; Christine E. Kozak, national secretary; Roma Lisovich, treasurer; and Yaroslav Zaviysky of the UNA Auditing Committee.

The meeting began with Mr. Kaczaraj welcoming the Executive Committee members, the reading and acceptance of the agenda, and the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, held on June 27, 2003. Members of the Executive Committee then presented their reports for the first six months of 2003.

President Kaczaraj reported on the state of the UNA, which had an increase in surplus of $792,000. However, he noted that the UNA subsidized Soyuzivka in the amount of $259,000, and the UNA's publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, in the amount of $74,000. Also, $59,000 was expended for premiums paid on behalf of 79-year-old UNA members. The total disbursed on behalf of Soyuzivka, the two newspapers and the fraternal benefit for senior members was $392,000, which reduced the surplus from $1,184,000 to $792,000 in the six-month period ending on June 30.

In comparing the six months ending June 30, 2002, to the six months ending June 30, 2003, the UNA's regular premium income increased by $77,000 and annuity premium income increased by $916,000. The total annuity premium income for the period ending June 30 was $1,458,000. Universal Life premium decreased by $17,000 and costs for reinsurance increased to $31,000. The reported net premium income for the first six months of 2003 was $1,057,000.

The Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Corp. had a profit of $69,000 for the report period. The UNA Corporate Headquarters building had new carpeting installed and part of the second floor was freshly painted. There are plans to install a security system and new doors for the building before year-end, Mr. Kaczaraj said.

First Vice-President Lysko reported that she is on track for recruiting 10 new members for the year. She is currently working on a member recruitment project in the Washington, D.C., area.

Second Vice-President Iwanciw reported that he attended several functions as a UNA representative both within the Ukrainian community and outside the community. In an effort to identify Ukrainian Americans and recruit UNA members, Mr. Iwanciw said he would like to see the UNA participate in the very popular county fairs that are held annually and have an attendance of approximately 90,000 in the Virginia area. He explained that the UNA could join with other Ukrainian organizations in the Washington area and have a presence at these extremely successful fairs that last three to four days.

Director for Canada Kachkowski said he has kept in contact with the UNA's Canadian branch secretaries. The Saskatchewan District participated in the Saskatoon Multicultural Folkfest, which was attended by thousands of visitors. The pavilion where the exhibit was located had 23,000 visitors, although, due to the extreme heat, attendance for this festival was down from last year. The UNA conducted a drawing for one of the UNA's publications; the winner, Emil Lychak of Lloydminster, Alberta, chose to receive one year's subscription to The Ukrainian Weekly.

The lack of Canadian enrollment is a serious problem and is indeed challenging, Mr. Kachkowski said. As per the 35th UNA Convention mandate, the UNA has one more year to institute major "renovations" in an attempt to revitalize Canadian business.

National Secretary Kozak reported that the second quarter of 2003 was not very productive. The UNA sold 45 life policies and 39 annuities for a total of $1.4 million. Unfortunately Canada sold only two policies for the quarter for a total of $253.05 in annual premiums.

Ms. Kozak went on to note that, once again, Lubov Streletsky, secretary of Branch 10, came out on top with a total of $8,801 in annual premiums. Myron Pylypiak, secretary of Branch 496, sold the highest number of policies, selling 11 policies. She offered commendations and congratulations to both organizers.

In previous years, the UNA Home Office assigned branches their new member recruitment quota. This year, however, each district was mandated to assign its own quota, the national secretary reported. Most districts complied, and the new quota was set at 909 policies in comparison to 1,250 in past years. Even with the new quotas, only 130 policies were sold in the first six months for this current year. The top three districts are Northern New Jersey, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

The UNA began a campaign targeting current members, selling Pour-In-Riders effective June 1. To date, this program has seen an increase of $45,615 in single premium and $79,000 in face amount. This program has been extended through December 31, 2003.

Ms. Kozak also noted that interest rates were changed on both Universal Life and Annuity products.

Changes have occurred within some UNA branches. Branch 133 elected Alex Redko as its new branch secretary. Several branch mergers took effect due to the retirement of branch secretaries. Ms. Kozak offered thanks on behalf of the UNA to Gregory Klymenko, secretary of Branch 182, and John Laba, secretary of Branch 177, for their commitment, years of hard work, loyalty and contributions to their members, branches and ultimately to the UNA.

Treasurer Lisovich reported on the status of Soyuzivka, which in the past few months has undergone staff changes and some major renovations, and has sparked renewed interest. Community feedback has been extremely positive, and we are counting on continued support from the community on a year-round basis, she underscored.

The summer was busy and September/October are looking busy as well. Soyuzivka has begun advertising in various areas, including local publications such as Hudson Valley Magazine, and participating in the local Chamber of Commerce meetings, she added.

Labor Day weekend brought many young faces to the UNA resort. A focus group was held, organized by a volunteer, Yurij Pylyp, for the 30-plus age group, which has since then generated its own newsletter. Members of this group are targeting and soliciting their peers, and raising awareness and interest in Soyuzivka, Ms. Lisovich explained.

The UNA Executive Committee authorized the Soyuzivka LLC to apply for a loan for the purpose of capital improvements and to cover operational expenses.

Among other topics discussed at the meeting, UNA executives noted that the UNA's contract with Western Catholic Union, whereby WCU hired insurance agents for the UNA, will expire at the end of October and will be renegotiated should UNA wish to continue the relationship.

The next Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20, followed by the annual meeting of the General Assembly November 21-22 at the UNA's resort, Soyuzivka.

Ladies' Night Out benefits press funds of Svoboda, Weekly

EAST HANOVER, N.J. - Thirty ladies from the northern New Jersey area participated in a Ladies' Night Out to benefit the press funds of The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda through the Ukrainian National Foundation.

It was fitting that the night out benefited the papers as both are celebrating anniversaries this fall - Svoboda its 110th and The Weekly its 70th.

Held at the Ramada Inn, the event featured cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, dinner and camaraderie in an informal atmosphere as has become traditional at these evenings.

The organizer of the periodic Ladies Nights Out, Slawka Hordynsky of Springfield, N.J., was assisted for this function by Ivanka Olesnycky of Maplewood, N.J. Previous Ladies' Nights have benefited the Verkhovyna resort, a young girl in need of a bone marrow transplant and the Vovcha Tropa Plast Camp.

Attendees included local activists from various organizations; officers of the Ukrainian National Association, National Secretary Christine E. Kozak and Treasurer Roma Lisovich; publisher of Svoboda and The Weekly, and the editors-in-chief of both newspapers, Irene Jarosewich and Roma Hadzewycz.


The name of one of the Young UNA'ers featured on October 12 was listed incorrectly. The child's full name is Gregory Lew Gawdiak.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 26, 2003, No. 43, Vol. LXXI

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