Holos Ukrainy spotlights Weekly as "Coeval of the Holodomor"

KYIV - The Kyiv newspaper Holos Ukrainy featured a brief article about The Ukrainian Weekly and its 70th anniversary in its international news section on September 25. Titled "Coeval of the Holodomor," the story was written by Svitlana Ostapa, director of the press service of the Ukrainian World Coordinating Council.

The full text of the article, translated from the original Ukrainian, follows.

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In October 1933, in the United States, the first issue of the English-language Ukrainian newspaper The Ukrainian Weekly was published. This happened at the same time that The New York Times was printing articles about the good life in the Soviet Union and denying the Famine of 1933. But Ukrainian immigrants of the second wave knew about the millions who died and did not intend to accept this in silence. The Ukrainian National Association, which published the Ukrainian-language newspaper Svoboda, decided that Americans must know the truth about the Holodomor [literally, death by forced starvation] in Ukraine. That is why the UNA founded the English-language Ukrainian Weekly, which provided news about Ukraine and Ukrainians in the U.S.A.

The readership of the weekly newspaper is constantly growing, and today it has subscribers throughout the world: in India and Australia, South America and Europe. The majority of its readers, of course, are in the U.S.A. and Canada. The Ukrainian National Association has seen to it that The Ukrainian Weekly is received by every congressman and government officials of the U.S.A., as well as some representatives of the Canadian government. It should be added that since the proclamation of Ukraine's independence the number of non-Ukrainian readers of this newspaper has increased. Especially interested in the new independent state were foreign scholars, politicians, economists and businessmen. The weekly newspaper also has correspondents from various countries, among them well-known scholars from Ukraine.

Members of the editorial staff, led by Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz always remember what led to the establishment of the weekly newspaper. That is why they do not miss any significant date related to the Holodomor of 1933. On its 50th anniversary they released a book "The Great Famine in Ukraine: The Unknown Holocaust," which contains a collection of eyewitness accounts, articles by scholars and excerpts of press reports about the artificial famine initiated by Stalin.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 26, 2003, No. 43, Vol. LXXI

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