Farm equipment manufacturers travel from Kharkiv to Cincinnati

by Jan Sherbin

CINCINNATI - The concept of "just in time" materials management has flown home to Kharkiv with a group representing its farm equipment management manufacturing industry. The group members recently completed a three-week study tour in which they looked at how their American counterparts manage their businesses.

Technology-wise, the group was particularly impressed with laser cutters, which cut metal more quickly and with more precision than other methods.

The study tour, modeled after those run after World War II for Western European businesses under the Marshall Plan, took the 13 Ukrainians to a variety of companies in five states. Between September 8 and 28, the group toured companies that make farm, food-packaging and food-processing equipment, as well as parts and machine tools.

"We showed them both horizontally and vertically structured companies, plus techniques for managing them," said Dr. Belal Siddique, who organized the study tour for Cincinnati's Center for Economic Initiatives.

Dr. Siddique noted that the group is interested in possible business cooperation with U.S. companies, for example via partnerships or subcontracting.

The study tour was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 2, 2003, No. 44, Vol. LXXI

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