Ukrainian veteran honored by New Jersey

by Zenko Halkowycz

PASSAIC, N.J. - Ukrainian American Veterans Post 17 commander Walter Kupecky was recently honored by the state of New Jersey and the 26th New Jersey Legislative District for meritorious service during the Korean conflict.

The citation reads: "Your meritorious service, outstanding leadership and selfless acts during your military career have exemplified true patriotism and concern for others." The presentation took place at the American Legion Post 279 in Lincoln Park, N.J., on May 17.

The ceremony commenced with the posting of colors by the American Legion color guard. Lincoln Park Mayor David G. D'Andrea led all assembled in the "Pledge of Allegiance" and the national anthem was rendered by Larissa D'Andrea. The Rev. Tom Beringer delivered a moving invocation; Mayor Baker delivered the welcoming remarks and reminded all assembled of the supreme sacrifice made by our nation's young men.

U.S. Rep. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen presented the medal in the presence of Mr. Kupecky's family and state and county legislatures. In his remarks prior to the presentation, Rep. Frelinghuysen reminded the honored guest and all attendees of the sacrifices faced by American men and women in uniform through out the world in defense of democracy.

Mr. Kupecky received the Korean War commemorative medal and service ribbon, which he will add to his numerous citations and medals.

After the presentation refreshments were served, and the assembled veterans and guests were seen in heated discussions about the Korean "police action."

Commander Kupecky, always a true Ukrainian, reminded Rep. Frelinghuysen to support the bill granting a federal charter to the UAV, which is sitting in committee lacking the necessary co-sponsors.

Mr. Kupecky has been re-elected as Post 17 commander for 2003-2004 and has a full calendar for the post and its members. The post is holding its gala Christmas party on December 21 at the Mountainside Inn in Clifton, N.J. The post holds its monthly meetings the second Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Ukrainian National Home in Passaic; all Ukrainian American veterans are welcome.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 16, 2003, No. 46, Vol. LXXI

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