Quotable notes

"There is no country, no elite, no nation .... Therefore, there is no future [for Ukraine]. There can be no future in a state in which not a single group of students has raised its angry, insistent and critical voice during the three weeks of the 'national disgrace' [the Tuzla controversy].[There is] no independent future. And the elite, which has enraptured many by its alleged ability to unite in the face of an external threat, is a self-deceit. Because the threat has not begun with Tuzla - it has begun, and is continuing, with the backstage expansion of Russian capital [in Ukraine], secret bargaining about all the movable and immovable properties, offstage no-necktie foreign-policy decisions, the Eurasian Economic Community, the gas pipeline, the Odesa-Brody [oil pipeline] reversal, the Single Economic Space. And the slow-witted leaders of flocks of slow-witted sheep who did not resist or even were financially interested in, pushing this process to the Tuzla stage, are not an elite. They are [excrement]. They are [excrement] that bunched together and bulged after they heard the reaction to the Moscow moves from their [excrement] regulator."

- Tatyana Korobova in the October 27 issue of the Kyiv-based weekly Grani, a publication affiliated with the Socialist Party of Ukraine, as cited by RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 23, 2003, No. 47, Vol. LXXI

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