Turning the pages back...

November 24, 2002

Last year on November 24 a story on the front page of our newspaper reported that the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, with the support of diaspora and U.S. government representatives, announced plans to build a memorial in Washington to the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide.

Mr. Sawkiw announced a joint initiative with Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan to introduce House Resolution 5289, which allocates a plot of land in Washington, where the Ukrainian community will erect a monument to the victims of Ukrainian Famine. Askold Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian World Congress, said the monument to victims of the Famine would serve two very important functions: to educate people who are unaware of the Famine-Genocide and to help them understand why it happened.

Source: "UCCA announces plans to build Famine memorial in D.C.," by Andrew Nynka, The Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 2002. Vol. LXX, No. 47.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 23, 2003, No. 47, Vol. LXXI

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