Statement from the UNA: Let the healing begin

Following is the text of a statement issued by the Ukrainian National Association's Executive Committee on November 25.

At the annual UNA General Assembly meeting, held November 21-23, 2003 at Soyuzivka, the General Assembly members came to a historic decision in passing the following resolution.

The Ukrainian National Association, Inc. recognizes the pressing need of our Ukrainian-American community to stand strong and united. Only from a position of strength and cooperation can we, as a community have a powerful, united voice in the public arena.

As such, the Ukrainian National Association, mindful of the fact it represents a body of over 45,000 members of diverse and varied viewpoints, believes it is essential to foster a cooperative and unifying spirit within our community.

The UNA, as a co-founder of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, at its annual general assembly meeting which was held at Soyuzivka votes to restore their decades-long relationship with the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) on the same basis and status as had been established during its original membership. It is our sincere hope that this step will serve as an incentive for others to seek common ground on which to build mutual cooperation for the good of our community. For let us remember, only with unity comes strength.

UNA President Stefan Kaczaraj, commenting on this decision, which was unanimous, stated, "Recent events regarding the unsuccessful campaign to revoke Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize highlights this need of our community to continue working together for the good of the community and Ukraine. How much more can be accomplished if we can put the arguments and divisions of the past behind us? It is time for the healing process to begin and divisions among us to cease."

" This action in no way impacts our present memberships and relations with any other community organization, " Mr. Kaczaraj underscored.

Further details of the General Assembly meeting will follow in the next issues of the UNA's official publications.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 30, 2003, No. 48, Vol. LXXI

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