Quotable notes

"The conflict around Tuzla is practically wrecking all of Russia's plans regarding Ukraine. It is wrecking the ratification of the accord on the Single Economic Space. It is wrecking the implementation of some military doctrines that Russia has planned to develop jointly with Ukraine. It is also ruining Russia's international image. ... We can see that, following the outbreak of this conflict, Russia has lost its magic influence on a part of Ukraine's pro-Russian population. In other words, a consolidation of the nation has begun [in Ukraine]. ... This conflict is detaching the people of Russia from those of Ukraine. ... Therefore, Ukraine should not tremble today and seek to settle the conflict by giving away part of its territory to Russia. Ukraine should take an iron-concrete stand on its frontier and make a fortress of this island [Tuzla]. ... There is no need today to hold talks at any price [with Russia]. We have to build a unity of the nation around this incident."

- Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko in an interview with Hromadske Radio on October 31, as cited by RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 30, 2003, No. 48, Vol. LXXI

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