U.S. Mission's statement to OSCE regarding developments in Ukraine

Below is the statement on Ukraine delivered on behalf of the United States Mission to the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe by Deputy Permanent Representative Douglas Davidson. The statement was made before the Permanent Council in Vienna on November 20.

The United States ambassador to Ukraine has conveyed, on numerous occasions, including at the highest levels, concerns of the United States regarding recent incidents involving obstacles to free assembly, to free speech and in general to a free and fair political campaign in Donetsk, Sumy and elsewhere in Ukraine.

Interference in the exercise of such rights, especially at the behest of government officials - whether local or national - runs contrary to Ukraine's stated commitment to democracy and to international human rights norms and agreements to which Ukraine has subscribed. Events since Donetsk and Sumy, including in Lutsk and Symferopol give cause for further concern.

Looking toward the October 2004 presidential election, it is the hope of the United States that Ukraine will do all it can to ensure a level playing field. This includes:

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 7, 2003, No. 49, Vol. LXXI

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