World Scholarly Council seeks aid of institutions and publishers

Below is the text of the appeal of the World Scholarly Council of the Ukrainian World Congress to Ukrainian Institutions and Publishers in the Diaspora.

In January 2002, following the decision of the Scientific Council of the National University of Ostroh Academy, the Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies was established. The historian Dr. Alla Atamanenko, secretary of the World Council of the Ukrainian Historical Association, was appointed its director.

In its work, the institute anticipates several directions, which are inter-related. The first is setting up a library with archives, which would help students and researchers to explore various aspects of the life and work of Ukrainians outside the borders of Ukraine. In addition, an educational program is being developed, and in 2003, a separate course about Ukrainian scholarly institutions in the diaspora has been introduced. Publication of scholarly collections and reference books dealing with the Ukrainian diaspora is anticipated. The first publication of the institute, which will be undertaken in collaboration with the Scholarly Council of the Ukrainian World Congress, is a collection of works about Ukrainian scholarly institutions in America, Canada, Western Europe and Australia.

The board of directors of the World Scholarly Council fully supports the institute's plans to study input into scholarly investigation of the history of Ukraine, activities of the Ukrainian diaspora and recognizes the rector, Prof. Ihor Pasichnyk, and the Scientific Council of the National University of Ostroh Academy for creating this institute.

We are now appealing to all Ukrainian organizations, editors of Ukrainian newspapers, periodicals and Ukrainian publishers in the diaspora to send their publications and materials, books, newspapers, journals, periodicals, bulletins and other materials to the institute's library archives. Individual citizens can also assist in this important undertaking. Any donation of periodicals and other Ukrainian publications that were published at different times in the diaspora will become important building blocks of Ukrainian studies. It is also important that the library receives subscriptions to contemporary periodicals.

Standing together we will bring about the success of the library and archives. The study of the contribution of the Ukrainian diaspora in America, Canada, Europe, Australia and other countries is extremely important to the study of Ukrainian history.

Publications may be sent to the following address:

Dr. Alla Atamanenko, Director, Institute for the Study of the Ukrainian Diaspora, National University of Ostroh Academy, Synarska Street, Ostroh, Rivne, Ukraine 35800.

Many thanks to the Ukrainian Museum Archives in Cleveland and to its director, Andrew Fedynsky, for giving a helping hand in setting up the institute's library. We also wish success to the director of the Institute, Dr. Atamanenko, in her scholarly and organizational activities.

For the Presidium of the Ukrainian World Congress:

Dr. Lubomyr Wynar
President, World Scholarly Council

Dr. Asya Humesky
Vice-President, World Scholarly Council

The Rev. Dr. O. A. Kravchenko
Vice-President, World Scholarly Council

Dr. Arkady Joukovsky
Vice-President, World Scholarly Council

Dr. Osyp Martyniuk
Secretary, World Scholarly Council

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 7, 2003, No. 49, Vol. LXXI

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