Art by Bohdan Soroka of Lviv to be exhibited in New York City

NEW YORK - Bohdan Soroka, the distinguished artist from Ukraine, will once again exhibit his works in New York in a solo exhibititon to be held at the Self Reliance building on Second Avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. The exhibit is sponsored by the Vekhovynky Plast Sorority and Branch 64 of the Ukrainian National Women' s League of America.

The exhibit opening will be held on Friday, December 12, at 7 p.m.; the exhibit will be on view on Saturday and Sunday, December 13-14, at 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

Mr. Soroka last exhibited in New York, as well as Cleveland, Chicago and Washington, in 1998-1999.

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Bohdan Soroka, born in 1940 in Lviv, is a leading graphic artist, as well as a painter in the monumentalist style. A graduate of the Lviv Academy of Art (1964), he is longtime chairman of the department of graphic design at the Academy. Mr. Soroka' s work in bookplate design was awarded a prize at the International Ex-Libris Competition held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 1989.

Throughout his artistic career Mr. Soroka has held a number of solo exhibits of his work in Lviv (1988, 1989, 1995, 1998 and 2000), Kyiv (1987, 1990), as well as abroad, in Toronto, Ottawa and Edmonton (1991, 2000-2001); Munich (1993, 2000); Paris (1995); London (1996); and the United States (1992, 1998-1999).

In addition, he has participated in select group exhibitions, among them: Contemporary European Bookplate Exhibition - Brussels (1972), "Twelve Ukrainian Artists" - Calgary (1991), "Work on Paper" - Edmonton (1993), "Lviv '91 - 'Vidrodzhennia,'" The Biennial of Ukrainian Art - Lviv (1991), and "Sources of Freedom" Exhibition of Contemporary Art - Berlin, Wroclaw and Lviv (1997).

Mr. Soroka's works are on permanent exhibit in numerous galleries, museums and other institutions, such as the Ukrainian Museum of Art (Kyiv), Taras Shevchenko Museum (Kyiv), Kaniv Preservation Museum, National Museum (Lviv), Picture Gallery (Lviv), Museum of Religious History (Lviv), Library of the Academy of Sciences (Lviv), Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundation (Toronto), Ukrainian Free University (Munich), Niagara Falls Gallery and Museum, and the Lithuanian National Library (Vilnius).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 7, 2003, No. 49, Vol. LXXI

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