Recent oils by Anatole Kolomayets on exhibit

CHICAGO - The Ukrainian National Museum (UNM) held an exhibit of recent oil paintings of Anatole Kolomayets on November 7-22 at its newly expanded exhibition hall on Superior Street in Chicago's Ukrainian Village. An enthusiastic crowd of over 300 art lovers filled the space to capacity on opening night, viewing Mr. Kolomayets' works and listening to the artist explain his philosophy and approach to the creative process.

Mr. Kolomayets infuses his oils with energetic swaths of modern and vibrant colors, focusing his energy on acute angles suggesting cubist influence. He does not shy from experimenting with form: soft, delicate lines intersect with emphatic spheres and curves. All of the lines harmonize in a resonant whole, imparting an almost tactile sensation to the visual experience.

Anatole Kolomayets was born in Ukraine in 1927. He received his training at St. Luke's Institute (1948-1952) and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (1952-1953), both in Liege, Belgium. Since coming to the United States in 1953, he has resided in Chicago. More than 400 of the artist's works are in numerous private collections and galleries in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, England, France, the United States, and Canada as well as Ukraine.

Mr. Kolomayets has had one-man exhibits in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Washington, Philadelphia, Toronto, New York, Los Angeles and Denver. This is his 33rd individual exhibition.

Mr. Kolomayets is one of the co-founders of the Ukrainian artists' group "Monolith," which came into existence in Chicago in 1954. His works have been reviewed in various magazines and journals, among them Suchasnist and Ukraina.

During the opening night formalities, Mr. Kolomayets received a written commendation from the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and personal congratulations from National Deputy Viktor Yushchenko of Kyiv, on the occasion of the artist's 50th anniversary of creative professionalism since finishing his formal training. Son Andrij and daughter, well-known correspondent Marta Kolomayets, delivered the congratulations personally.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 14, 2003, No. 50, Vol. LXXI

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