It's time for Canada's new prime minister to "right historic wrongs," says MP Mark

OTTAWA - Inky Mark, Conservative member of Parliament for the riding of Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette in Manitoba, has called on Canda's new Prime Minister Paul Martin to "stand up and acknowledge the past wrongs done by the Canadian government to Ukrainian and Chinese Canadians."

"Ukrainian Canadians and other Canadians of Eastern European descent were imprisoned in internment camps during the first world war for no other reason than their heritage. Similarly, Chinese Canadians were separated from their families and subjected to the Head Tax and Exclusion Act of 1923," Mr. Mark explained.

"Although these past injustices cannot be erased, a better Canada can be created by recognizing these dark moments in our history," he underscored.

Earlier this month the outgoing Heritage Minister Sheila Copps announced a government proclamation that recognized the injustices done to Acadians 250 years ago. She also suggested that this proclamation should become a template for the Martin government to acknowledge other historic wrongs carried out against ethnic groups including Ukrainian and Chinese Canadians.

"It is ironic that the former heritage minister would give such advice to the prime minister. She had ample opportunity to conclude an agreement with the Ukrainian and Chinese communities," Mr. Mark stated.

"It is time that the Liberal government and its new leader deal with these issues. Two million Canadians have waited too many years for the recognition that they deserve. I lobbied the previous prime minister on this issue, and I will continue to lobby the new prime minister until he stands up and agrees to right these historic wrongs," Mr. Mark said.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 28, 2003, No. 52, Vol. LXXI

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