South Texans celebrate holidays

by Stephen Sokolyk

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas - The holiday season was an active one for the growing South Texas Ukrainian community. On December 20, the community was fortunate to have its very first Ukrainian Catholic liturgy in New Braunfels, celebrated by Father Mykola Dovzhuk of Pokrova Ukrainian Catholic Church in Houston.

Held in the chapel of a local church, the service attracted 30 congregants. There were many moist eyes amongst the faithful, who had long been rather isolated from their Church and heritage. This was only the beginning of a sustained mission effort by Father Dovzhuk in this area.

On January 10, the second Ukrainian liturgy was held in a neighborhood clubhouse, followed by the second annual community Sviata Vecheria (admittedly, four days late) at the home of Stephen and Beth Sokolyk. The couple was overjoyed to host 54 Ukrainians of all kinds - those who are Ukrainian by birth, marriage, adoption and association - packing the house, as well as Father Dovzhuk and his family.

Following a greeting of "Khrystos Rozhdayetsia" and the reply "Slavite Yoho," the food was blessed by the priest, and then all sang a spirited version of "Boh Predvichnyi." The potluck buffet featured two kinds of fish, four kinds of varenyky, holubtsi, cabbage and beet borshch with vushka, uzvar, kutia, fried mushrooms, beets, sauerkraut with peas, and some wonderful desserts. Topping it off were a few horilka toasts. The fellowship was wonderful; participants met new friends and deepened old friendships.

The Ukrainians of Austin and San Antonio had a big year in 2003, with Sviata Vecheria, a bandura concert, an Independence Day picnic, and the start of a Ukrainian Catholic mission to the area. There are more than 40 households on the community's list, which groups every month. Ukrainians in the area are asked to contact Natalia Lysyj in Austin at [email protected], or Stephen Sokolyk in New Braunfels at [email protected], Mr. Sokolyk may also be reached by phoning 830-606-5810.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 25, 2004, No. 4, Vol. LXXII

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