COMMUNITY CHRONICLE: Clifton vets celebrate homecoming of reservist from Iraq

by Zenko Halkowycz

CLIFTON, N.J. - Ukrainian American Veterans Post 17 had a double reason to celebrate in December, when one of its members returned from Iraq. The annual Christmas party was held December 21, 2003, at the Mountain Side Inn in Clifton, N.J. The event became very special when Staff Sgt. Leonid Bulia walked into the hall to join his Post 17 buddies.

Sgt. Bulia, is a member of Post 17, was activated with his reserve unit sent to Kuwait and subsequently served in Iraq for six months with the unit working to locate Iraqi chemical arms. He told post members about the life of a soldier in Iraq and the constant danger from the remnants of Saddam Hussein's army.

Commander Walter Kupecky and his staff prepared a fun afternoon. The veterans ate and drank and told stories of the various wars in which they served. The ladies' auxiliary was active as always, selling raffle tickets to collect money for the UAV scholarship fund. The chairwoman of the Christmas party, Mary Yurcheniuk, was recognized for her organizational skills in preparing this event.

Commander Kupecky reminded all of veterans' sacrifices for liberty and freedom. He said, "look at Sgt. Bulia: he left a good job to be in harm's way because he is a soldier and his country needed him."

Commander Kupecky reminded every one present that the bill to grant a federal charter to the UAV is stuck in congress because it doesn't have enough co-sponsors. This UAV bill is important; it will give the Ukrainian American veterans the same privileges enjoyed by Jewish, Polish, Italian, Indian American and other veterans. "We all served together, we fought and died together, yet now we need to find congressmen to sponsor a bill so that we can be recognized," Commander Kupecky said. He asked all Ukrainian Americans to contact their representatives in Congress to co-sponsor this bill.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 1, 2004, No. 5, Vol. LXXII

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