UNWLA Branch 4 holds wedding fashion show as fund-raiser

by Tyrsa Pavlak

SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - If you've ever been involved in the planning of a wedding for a family member or friend, you understand the enormity of the task. There seem to be a million details that have to be taken into consideration and you dare not omit even one.

Well, can you imagine planning a wedding for 17 brides? That was a task that the Ukrainian National Women's League of America (UNWLA) Branch 4 faced and executed with great success.

On Sunday, November 2, 2003, UNWLA Branch 4 held its annual fund-raiser. This year the theme was a showing of bridal gowns from the past to the present, in a presentation aptly titled, "Vesillia." The event was held at the small reception hall of St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in South Bound Brook, N.J.

The hall was decorated by the branch's talented members with creamy-colored sheer draperies, artfully hung along the walls and finished with sprays of graceful English ivy vines. The round tables were covered with white linen-like tablecloths and at each one there were small silver candelabra centerpieces decorated with roses. These centerpieces were later won by seated guests that had a birthday closest to the date of this event.

Before any wedding feast there is of course the "cocktail hour," which started promptly at 1 p.m. Guests were treated to champagne and hors d'oeuvres served upon entry into the hall by Charles Taraskewicz, the husband of UNWLA Branch 4 President Luba Siryj.

While sipping and munching, the guests were encouraged to tour the displays of choice prizes that were being offered for the price of a few raffle tickets. This time, besides the door prize that all were qualified to win with the raffle ticket stapled to the program book, an additional grand prize was offered with purchase of special tickets. The lucky winner of that grand basket of assorted cheer had to ask for a gentleman's help to get her prize to her car. UNWLAer Oksana Bokalo gathered all the donations for the prizes and presented them in a tasteful and artistic manner.

After the "wedding feast" prepared by the Sisterhood of St. Andrew's Church, the guests were treated to a musical interlude by Bohdanna Hnatyck and Vera Melnyck, members of the church choir of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in New Brunswick, both recent immigrants from Ukraine.

At last, it was time for the brides to come out, greet their guests and show off their wedding finery. One by one, the young ladies were escorted off the stage by Mr. Taraskewicz, in the role of "starosta" and announced by Ms. Siryj.

The show began with a dress from the 1930s, on loan from "Gifts by Tina" of Ocean Grove, N.J. The gown, made of silk satin with beaded shoulder accents, was referred to as the "Joan Crawford Dress." What amazed everyone was the tiny size of the gown. Luckily there was a suitable model, the lovely Anna Lisitsnia.

Subsequently, a gown worn in Brooklyn, N.Y., was shown. Made for the bride by a local dressmaker, the dress was quite simple in design, as the wartime rationing was still in force.

The show reflected the changes in women's fashions through the decades, including a contemporary gown from 2001 originally worn by Kaya Nynka.

The event culminated with the showing of a gown designed in 2002 by Rena Koh that was worn by the daughter of branch member Christina D'Agostino. Guests were also able to see the beautiful red satin gowns of the bridesmaids as they carried the traditional "korovai" baked by Halia Ratycz, member of Branch 65, in the grand finale.

Two ethnic gowns were also shown: a Ukrainian Bukovyna embroidery style dress, on loan from its creator and designer, Vera Staruch of Kerhonkson, N.Y.; and a Romanian peasant costume which was displayed in the exhibition area, along with many pieces of vintage bridal attire and photographs of the original brides.

The gowns and various bridal accessories were collected and refurbished for the show by Oksana Bokalo and Tyrsa Pavlak with help from Mary Gerus.

Bridal models were Olga Bogutsky, Solomia Fedyna, Samantha Gentile, Nadia Koltsun, Brigitte La Ganga, Ms. Lisitsnia, Natalie Lyszyck, Oksana Mulyk, Jan Randall, Christina Ratycz and Marina Shapovalenko.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 15, 2004, No. 7, Vol. LXXII

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