Profiles of notable personages by former broadcast journalist

"Na Neokrayanim Kryli" (On Unclipped Wing) by Wolodymyr Bilajiw. Donetsk: Eastern Publishing House, 2003, published by the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies, Donetsk Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. 347 pp.

Wolodymyr Bilajiw's latest book offers a selection of 14 essays on contemporary Ukrainian poets, writers and literary scholars (of several generations) living in the West whom the author, a journalist and poet in his own right, came to know personally during various stages of his life in West Germany, Australia and the United States.

Featured in the accounts are the following prominent figures who, having fled their homeland as post-war refugees, played an important role in the cultural life of Ukraine in the 1940s-1990s and whose works, previously proscribed under Soviet rule, are now being published in Ukraine:

"Na Neokrayanim Kryli" contains entries by and about the author; a foreword by Vadym Olifirenko titled "U Poshukakh Vtrachenoyi Vitchyzny" (In Search of a Lost Homeland); a note from the publisher by V.S. Biletsky; as well as an annotated bibliography, footnotes, and a by-name index.

A broadcast journalist and editor, Mr. Bilajiw was affiliated with Voice of America (VOA) in Washington for 15 years until his retirement in 1999 and served as chief of the Ukrainian branch of VOA from 1992 to 1998.

He was born in 1925 in Mospyne, Donetsk region. In his youth, with the outbreak of war, he was taken as a forced laborer to Germany. As a post-war refugee, he was in a West German displaced persons camp and subsequently immigrated with his family initially to Australia and subsequently to the United States. Presently, he and his wife of 34 years, Dorothy M. Strom, live in North Palm Beach, Fla.

Mr. Bilajiw's poetry was first published in 1948 in the Literaturno Naukovyi Visnyk (The Literary-Scientific Herald), which came out in Munich, and his work as a journalist appeared in Ukrainski Visti (Ukrainian News), which was published in Neu Ulm, Germany.

His poems, essays and articles have appeared in Ukrainian émigré periodicals in such journals as Suchasnist, Novi Dni, Moloda Ukraina, Avanhard, Kyiv, and the literary almanac Slovo.

With Ukraine's independence in 1991, his work was published in periodicals in Ukraine as well, among them Literaturna Ukraina, Berezil, Dzvin, Dyvoslovo, Donbas, Kurier Kryvbasa, Dnipro, and Slovyanske Viche.

To date, Mr. Bilajiw's collected works have been published in three volumes: "Harvest" (1970) and "Beyond Happiness" (1979), which came out in the United States, and "Autumnal Renewal," which came out in his native Donetsk in 2001.

In 1980 Mr. Bilajiw was accorded the title of poet laureate of the Mohyla-Mazepa Academy of Sciences in Ukraine.

Mr. Bilajiw is a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts Sciences in New York and of the Writers' Union in Ukraine.

He has been active in Ukrainian émigré politics as chairman of the National Council of the State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic government-in-exile (1980-1984), among other positions.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 7, 2004, No. 10, Vol. LXXII

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