FOR THE RECORD: State Department on the shutdown of Radio Kontynent

Following is State Department spokesman Richard Boucher's comment on March 4 regarding the shutdown of Radio Kontynent.

The United States views with grave concern recent attempts by Ukrainian authorities to limit public access to independent news and information. The shutdown of Radio Kontynent and silencing of Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe (RL/RFE), VOA, and other international broadcasters is an assault on democracy and is a serious concern in an election year in Ukraine when the need for news from many sources is greatest. The shutdown of Radio Kontynent, which had agreed to broadcast RL/RFE, comes several weeks after Radio Dovira terminated its rebroadcast of RL/RFE.

We call on the Ukrainian leadership to act immediately to allow Radio Kontynent to resume broadcasting and to refrain from erecting further obstacles to the rebroadcast of international radio broadcasts in Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities must cease their ongoing campaign against independent media, which directly contradicts Ukraine's stated desire to democratize and move closer to the Euro-Atlantic community.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 14, 2004, No. 11, Vol. LXXII

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