UOC continues its assistance to orphanages in Ukraine

by Hieromonk Daniel

SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. has conducted a cooperative program of assistance with the Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund (CCRF) in adopting two orphanages in Zaluchia and Znamianka, Ukraine, for the past three years.

The CCRF is widely acknowledged both in Ukraine and by governmental and charitable organizations here in the diaspora as one of the most effective and trustworthy aide organizations operating in and for the benefit of Ukraine.

Founders of the CCRF, Dr. Zenon and Nadia Matkiwsky, along with CCRF's Ukraine In-Country Director, Olena Welhasch, met with Archbishop Antony and Consistory Treasurer Emil Skocypec to report on progress made with our Church's grants in aid to the orphanages over the past year.

The Church's commitment to the orphanage adoption program was for at least five years and, judging by the support we have received, that commitment will go on for many years to come - particularly when the young college and high school students are eager to travel to work with the children on summer vacation missions organized by Church's Offices of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Missions and Christian Charity. During the above-mentioned meeting in mid-January another grant was made totalling $23,000.

As in the past, a principal part of the effort has been concentrated on building renovations where the children God has given to us live. This year approximately a quarter of the grant will go toward replacing windows in the aging buildings. The largest portion of the grant, however, will go to significant programs to improve the quality of their mental and physical life.

We will equip a physical therapy room in the Zaluchia Orphanage and staff it with two full-time physical therapists. Further, we will sponsor three full-time teachers with training in relating to children with special needs and also two liaison personnel who will serve under the auspices of the CCRF Kyiv office for better observation of how our programs are progressing.

UOC of the USA expresses our deepest gratitude to all who have contributed thus far, to this work in Christ's name.

Hieromonk Daniel Zelinsky is director of the Office of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 21, 2004, No. 12, Vol. LXXII

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