A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Time to plan your summertime getaway in the U.S., Canada or Ukraine

So, here it is: springtime - May. Time to get out those datebooks, or PDAs, and jot down all those pertinent dates for summertime. Time to firm up those vacation plans, to register the kids for camp or an educational program. Time to think about getting away!

Inside this special 16-page supplement titled "A Ukrainian Summer" you'll find news and helpful advice on a variety of summertime activities. You'll see what's being offered during the summer of 2004 by diverse groups and organizations in the United States and Canada, and you'll find out where to turn for additional details.

From Soyuzivka, the ever-popular resort of the Ukrainian National Association, to other picturesque Ukrainian-operated estates in the Catskills and Shawangunks and Poconos; from fun-filled camps of the Ukrainian American Youth Associa-tion and Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization to bandura and dance workshops run by professionals; from a Youth Leadership Program that promises a "Washington experience" to the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute; from the engaging programs at the Music and Art Center of Greene County in upstate New York to a unique Ukrainian language immersion camp for adults in Saskatchewan - this issue is sure to contain something for everyone to enjoy during the summer.

And, oh yes, did we mention the festivals? You'll get a sampling of some of those, from New York City to Dauphin, Manitoba, and points in between, including Toronto, where what is the billed as the largest Ukrainian festival last year drew crowds of 250,000.

The centerfold of this pullout section contains a special feature on the beautiful and historic city of Chernihiv in Ukraine. Not even a centerfold could do justice to this city's architectural majesty, but we've tried... Perhaps you'll be enticed to visit this city off the well-worn path of tourist packages.

So, turn the page and take a look. You'll see that summer is just another time to enjoy our Ukrainian identity and all our community has to offer - far removed from our regular routines, but nonetheless so significant a part of our Ukrainian tradition.

A Ukrainian Summer (main page)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 2004, No. 18, Vol. LXXII

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