A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Send your children, preschoolers to young adults, to SUM summer camps

by Andriy Bihun

ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - The Ukrainian American Youth Association's "oselia" (resort) in Ellenville, N.Y., has been a favorite summer stomping ground for youngsters and old-timers for as long as most of us can remember. As the oselia prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, this summer camp season promises to not only be as exciting and varied as in the recent past, but for the second year running, yet another brand new camp is being introduced to the summer line-up.

Last year, the Ellenville campground introduced "Perekhodovyi Tabir," a transitional camp for SUM's youngest members who have attended a day camp with mom or dad, and are just about ready to give sleepover camping a try. Perekhodovyi Tabir, which proved to be very successful and popular among the post-kindergarten crowd, returns in 2004 as part of the permanent summer program.

This year, in response to requests by growing numbers of avid enthusiasts, oselia introduces its newest addition: Mountain Biking Camp. Based at oselia, the one-week adventure will bring campers, age 13 through 17 to a number of popular biking trails in the tri-state area. They'll learn to maintain and care for their "velosyped" (that's bicycle in Ukrainian), and train on various biking-related topics and techniques throughout the week. This is a camp for the physically fit, although biking experience is not a prerequisite and the program will cater to various levels of proficiency.

Participants of this year's "Praktychnyi Tabir" (known fondly to its alumni as River Camp) are in for a particular treat. Participants of the two-week adventure camp will spend their first week camping out in the forests of the Ellenville's campground and then travel north into Canadian terrain. The second week, based at Montreal SUM's Camp Veselka, will see participants visiting the parks of Quebec and enjoying canoeing, hiking and other forms of exploration. Campers from the United States and Canada will have an opportunity to meet and spend two weeks getting to know one another in a rigorous outdoor setting.

But don't forget about the camps that have made oselia in Ellenville a favorite place to camp throughout the years. From the youngest children who attend "Huseniata" or "Sumeniata" camp, to the youngsters who enjoy "Vidpochynkovyi" (Recreational Camp) or "Mystetskyi" (Arts Camp) or the sports enthusiasts who sign up for Sports Camp, to the oldest teens who attend "Vyshkilnyi" (Counselor Training Camp), everyone will be left with memories that last forever, and new friends for a lifetime.

Details, a complete calendar, and registration information may be found at the SUM resort's website located at www.CYM.org/US/Ellenville. Any questions? Write to [email protected] or call directly to (845) 647-7230.

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A Ukrainian Summer (main page)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 2004, No. 18, Vol. LXXII

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