A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Participate in the Stamford Eparchy's Eucharistic Marian Congress

STAMFORD, Conn. - The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford, Conn., in conjunction with the 50th Dormition Pilgrimage in Sloatsburg, N.Y,. will celebrate a Eucharistic Marian Congress on August 13-15.

This event is designed to prepare the faithful of the Eparchy of Stamford to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2006. It is hoped that as many Ukrainian Catholics from throughout the U.S. as possible will come to share in this "Celebration of Faith."

Following are excerpts of Bishop Losten's proclamation of an the Eparchial Eucharistic Marian Congress.

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The Church draws her life from the Holy Eucharist! Indeed, God's holy people encounter His boundless love, and mature in sanctity by being drawn to the Holy Things - the Precious Body and Blood of their Lord God and Savior.

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its erection in 2006. ... We hereby proclaim a year of preparation for an Eparchial Eucharistic Marian Congress to take place on August 13-15, 2004, in Sloatsburg, N.Y. Its theme is "Holy Things for the Holy." The congress will coincide with the 50th anniversary theme of the Holy Dormition Pilgrimage sponsored by the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate: "Mary, Woman of the Eucharist!"

The Eucharistic Marian Congress will begin with preparations and programs on the deanery and parochial levels in the months ahead. An Eparchial Eucharistic Marian Congress Committee has been formed that will prepare and coordinate the reflection, discussion and devotions that will enable all our faithful to enter into the spirit and celebrations of the Congress.

This Congress is scheduled to be held during the golden jubilee year of the first Eucharistic Marian Congress of Eastern Catholic Churches, held under the auspices of Archbishop Constantine Bohachevsky and his Auxiliary Bishop Ambrose Senyshyn, OSBM, in Philadelphia in October 1954.

Our fervent desire is that the forthcoming Congress will deepen our understanding of the real presence of Christ in our communities and promote the Eucharistic mystery in our eparchy in our Metropolitan Province in the United States.

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For information on the Eucharistic Marian Congress readers may call the Stamford Eparchy, (203) 324-7698.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 2004, No. 18, Vol. LXXII

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