A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Come celebrate your ancestral heritage

EDMONTON - The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village will honoring the families of ancestors who immigrated to East Central Alberta 100 years ago. One and all are invited to the Ukrainian Day event on August 8 as centenary pioneer families are recognized.

The Ukrainian Day event is an excellent opportunity families to come together to celebrate the arrival of their ancestors to East Central Alberta. This special day honors traditional Ukrainian culture, featuring a fabulous concert, awards, exhibits, displays and "A Taste of Ukraine."

To receive a Centenary Pioneer Recognition Certificate, families must register in advance. Forms may be obtained from: Barry Manchak, Manager, Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, c/o 8820 112th St., Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P8; phone, (780) 662-3640; fax. (780) 662-3273.

Completed forms must be returned by July 23.

A Ukrainian Summer (main page)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 2004, No. 18, Vol. LXXII

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