Helsinki Commission leaders' resolution urges fair election in Ukraine

WASHINGTON - A resolution "urging the government of Ukraine to ensure a democratic, transparent and fair election process for the presidential election on October 31" was introduced on May 5 in the Senate by Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), co-chairman of the Helsinki Commission, together with Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and Joseph R. Biden (D-Del.), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

An identical version was introduced in the House of Representatives by International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), together with Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Tom Lantos (D-Calif).

The measure, which has been designated as Senate Concurrent Resolution 106 (the full text of the resolution appears on page 6), underscores that "the establishment of a democratic, transparent and fair election process for the 2004 presidential election in Ukraine and of a genuinely democratic political system are prerequisites for that country's full integration into the Western community of nations as an equal member, including into organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)."

Sen. Campbell noted: "The Helsinki Commission, which has long monitored and encouraged human rights, rule of law and democracy in Ukraine, continues to be a stalwart supporter of Ukraine's development as an independent, democratic and market-oriented state."

"It is abundantly clear that a small clique have a vested interest in perpetuating the outmoded status quo," continued the senator. "Ukrainian authorities need to radically improve the election environment if there is to be hope for these elections to meet OSCE standards. The question is whether their perceived self-interest will trump the interest of the people of Ukraine."

Rep. Smith stated: "I have been a steadfast supporter of human rights and democracy in Ukraine, and I value independent Ukraine's contribution to security and stability in Europe." He explained that "the stakes in the upcoming elections are high, not only with respect to the outcome, but also as a fundamental indicator of Ukraine's democratic development."

"Ukraine remains at a crossroads," Rep. Smith added. "Developments with respect to democracy have been discouraging over the last few years. The elections represent a real chance for Ukraine to get back on the road to full respect for the tenets of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The United States stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they strive to achieve these essential goals."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 16, 2004, No. 20, Vol. LXXII

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