FOR THE RECORD: Kerry's statement on Constitution Day, Shevchenko monument

Following is the text of a statement from John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate for president, issued on the occasion of Ukrainian Constitution Day and the 40th anniversary of the Taras Shevchenko monument. The statement was made available on June 25 by the John Kerry for President campaign.

I am proud to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the Ukrainian Constitution. It was on June 28, 1996, that the citizens of Ukraine consolidated their sovereignty and independence after three quarters of a century of communist rule. Today, as Ukraine prepares for its upcoming presidential elections, Ukrainians have the opportunity to demonstrate the power of democracy in Eastern Europe by selecting their future leader through elections that fairly and freely reflect the will of the people. Likewise, Ukraine's economy is one of the fastest growing in Europe, and by strengthening its commitment to the rule of law and transparency Ukraine can provide its citizens with a strong sense of hope and opportunity.

I am also glad for the strong partnership between the United States and Ukraine. People around the world are safer thanks to the two countries' joint efforts to rid Ukraine of nuclear weapons. Today, Ukrainian troops work side-by-side with American troops in Iraq, and new links between Ukraine and NATO have permitted a more effective partnership in U.N. peacekeeping efforts in the Balkans.

It is in this spirit of peace and freedom that I also recognize the 40th anniversary of the Taras Shevchenko monument in Washington. Taras Shevchenko was a longtime advocate for Ukrainian independence, and his poetry celebrated the proud history of the Ukrainian people. Born into serfdom, he dedicated his life to Ukrainian sovereignty, and the commemoration of his statue is a fitting symbol of Ukraine's own independence.

I congratulate the Ukrainian people on the anniversary of their Constitution, and applaud their efforts towards a stronger democracy and a promising future. Ukraine is a vital European nation and American ally, and I am grateful for the contributions it has made to the security of the world. Likewise, I am grateful for the contributions that Ukrainian Americans have made to this country and take great pleasure in celebrating Ukraine's Constitution Day with them.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 4, 2004, No. 27, Vol. LXXII

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