While in Washington, Gryshchenko confers with U.S. government officials

by Serhiy Zhykharev
Ukrainian National Information Service

WASHINGTON - While in the United States for an official visit, Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, a former ambassador to the United States, returned to Washington to meet with various government officials, including Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. In addition, he gave an interview to The Washington Times.

On Monday evening, June 21, the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus (CUC) and the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) sponsored a dinner for Mr. Gryshchenko and members of Congress. The event, held in the Capitol building, was also attended by Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States Mykhailo Reznik, as well as representatives from the UCCA.

As hosts of the evening's event, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.), co-chair of the CUC, and Michael Sawkiw Jr., and Larissa Kyj, president and executive vice-president, respectively, of the UCCA, greeted the attendees.

In his opening remarks, Rep. Weldon thanked Mr. Gryshchenko for his progressive, pro-Western foreign policy, which aims to integrate Ukraine into Euro-Atlantic structures. The importance of Ukraine's role in the international coalition in Iraq was also emphasized as testimony to Ukraine's decision to participate in the war against global terrorism.

Rep. Weldon also stated: "Let's not underestimate the importance of the upcoming Ukrainian presidential elections, and their need to be held in a free and democratic manner. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the Ukrainians to ensure transparency for the October presidential race."

The co-chair of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus also mentioned the close relationship that exists with the Ukrainian community, in particular the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. Adding to Rep. Weldon's comments, Mr. Sawkiw welcomed the foreign affairs minister to Washington (his first trip back since assuming his current position) and stressed the significance of Ukraine's foreign policy as it attempts to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures such as the European Union, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NATO.

"We, from the community [Ukrainian American]," continued Mr. Sawkiw, "have a special bond towards the land of our forefathers, and with your presence in Washington, it serves to strengthen the relationship between Ukraine and the United States, especially in light of the forthcoming Ukrainian presidential elections. May they [the elections] be democratic and fair and truly represent the will of the Ukrainian people."

Other members of Congress in attendance included: Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.), Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.), Rep. Timothy Murphy (R-Pa.), Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), Rep. John McHugh (R-N.Y.), Rep. Tim Holden (D-Pa.), Rep. George Radanovich (R-Calif.); Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Rep. Don Sherwood (R-Pa.) and, Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.).

Each member of Congress had an opportunity to greet Minister Gryshchenko, as well as to inquire about the current situation in Iraq where Ukrainian peacekeepers are serving, the mood of the general population in Ukraine as it approaches the upcoming elections and general discussions about world affairs.

In response to these questions, Mr. Gryshchenko thanked the Members of Congress for their interest in Ukrainian issues.

"There will be many candidates for the presidential elections in Ukraine," emphasized Minister Gryshchenko, "but much like Zbigniew Brzezinski stated during his recent trip to Ukraine, unlike Russia, we don't know who the next president of Ukraine will be months ahead of time." The minister pointed out that this is a sign of transparency in the democratic processes occurring in Ukraine.

Mr. Gryshchenko also spoke of the Ukrainian peacekeeping troops in Iraq, the obstacles they face, as well as their experiences in maintaining the peace.

Following the discussion and a brief dinner, the members of Congress thanked the minister after the meeting. In turn, the minister thanked the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus and the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America for their sponsorship of this opportunity to exchange ideas about the current state of U.S.-Ukraine relations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 4, 2004, No. 27, Vol. LXXII

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