Highlights from the UNA's 110-year history

A special yearlong feature focusing on the history of the Ukrainian National Association.

The deliberations of the 27th UNA Convention on May 18-23, 1970, took place in Cleveland, with 432 delegates and 26 supreme officers participating. The convention was held under a banner bearing the UNA's jubilee motto: "In tribute to pioneers, with eyes toward youth."

During the weeklong convention UNA members honored the fraternal organization's pioneering founder, the Rev. Hryhorii (Gregory) Hrushka, by dedicating a monument in his honor at Cleveland's

Cultural Gardens, where a statue of Lesia Ukrainka stands at the entrance. Both monuments are the work of sculptor Mychajlo Chereshniovsky.

Convention delegates overwhelmingly re-elected Joseph Lesawyer to his third consecutive term as president, and approved a total of $15,325 in donations to various Ukrainian causes.

The convention also approved a new UNA emblem, which now included the Canadian flag alongside the American and Ukrainian flags.

The conclave heard greetings from Cleveland Mayor Carl B. Stokes, the first black American elected as mayor of a major U.S. city. A message from President Richard M. Nixon was read by Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department Eugene T. Rossides, a Greek American. Both spoke of the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

President Nixon's message paid tribute to the UNA's "many contributions made to the progress of America, while maintaining an active interest in Ukrainian history, culture and language." The message concluded by stating: "I know that you will continue your good work for the advancement of Americans of Ukrainian origin for in so doing you advance the progress of our nation."

Source: "Joseph Lesawyer re-elected UNA supreme president. John Teluk and Sen. Paul Yuzyk chosen vice-presidents; Mary Dushnyck and Walter Sochan re-elected vice-presidents; Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch is re-elected supreme secretary and Peter Pucilo chosen supreme treasurer; series of resolutions and recommendations adopted; $15,325 voted for cultural, educational causes," The Ukrainian Weekly, May 28, 1970. The border used for this special feature is reproduced from a UNA membership certificate dating to 1919.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 8, 2004, No. 32, Vol. LXXII

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