UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS: Active in our communities

UAV dedicates new memorial in Hamptonburgh, N.Y.

by Mathew Koziak
UAV National Commander

HAMPTONBURGH, N.Y. - A new monument to Ukrainian American Veterans was dedicated here on June 13. This dedication was the result of the combined efforts of several UAV posts in the Archeparchy of Stamford, including those in Brooklyn (Post 27), Yonkers (301), Spring Valley (19) and Boston (31).

Although there are monuments dedicated to veterans at some local parish cemeteries, the UAV felt that it would also be appropriate to have a monument at the diocesan cemetery commemorating and honoring the many veterans buried there.

A monument committee was formed in November 2002 to plan the memorial and to raise funds needed for the project. The committee consisted of representatives from the four posts located in the diocese. PNC Steven Shewczuk became chair of this committee.

Upon completion of the monument, the committee prepared a program and set a date for the dedication. The ceremony started with the unveiling of the memorial, followed by the raising of colors, the dedication and blessing by Bishop Basil Losten, the laying of wreaths and the playing of taps by a bugler from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Bishop Losten extended concluding remarks to end the dedication.

The completed monument includes the emblems of all the branches of the U.S. armed forces and is dedicated to all veterans of Ukrainian descent who have served in those forces. Adjacent to the memorial is a Veterans' Walkway. Bricks comprising the walkway may be purchased with a donation of $200 for each brick and may include an inscription honoring a specific veteran, family member or donor. Bricks may be purchased by contacting the UAV Monument Fund at 173 N. Fifth St., Brooklyn, NY 11211-2303.

Participating in the ceremony were members of the sponsoring posts, as well as other UAV members from posts as far away as Michigan and Florida.

The current UAV national commander as well as three past national commanders were present. Representatives and commanders of other organizations, including veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the 2nd Division of the Ukrainian National Army, as well as the Ukrainian American Youth Association (SUM), also participated in the dedication, along with the many visitors who were attending services at the cemetery.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 15, 2004, No. 33, Vol. LXXII

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