UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS: Active in our communities

UAV contingent marches in Chicago on Memorial Day

CHICAGO - Led by a color guard of eight UAV members representing various branches of the military and bearing national and post flags, the UAV contingent in Chicago's Memorial Day parade - one of the largest such commemorations in the country - looked very impressive as members marched in step to the beat of neighboring bands and their own counting cadence.

Members of Post 32 came out in large numbers to take part in this year's parade despite the inclement weather. Also joining the group were Ranger Andy Karaszajszuk from Post 35, National Commander Mathew Koziak and UAV Ladies Auxiliary Vice-President Oksana Koziak.

Dressed in a Civil War uniform, Peter Hanchar symbolized the patron of Post 32, Gen. John B. Turchin. Mr. Hanchar has been working on a history of Gen. Turchin, whose contributions to this country's history serve as a source of pride not only to members of the post, but to all Ukrainian Americans.

Following the color guard was the first of three military vehicles that participated with the post in the parade. The military Hummer was directly followed by a contingent of marching post members led by National Commander Koziak and Post Commander Walter Chyterbok. Military flags adorned each vehicle, which carried additional post members, family and supporters.

While passing the dais, the UAV was announced, and members saluted the various dignitaries, including Mayor Richard Daly. Encouraging shouts of support for our troops were heard all along the parade route from the large crowd gathered to view the Memorial Day celebration.

Post 32 continued its observance of Memorial Day by participating in services at the St. Nicholas Cemetery on both Sunday and Monday. Earlier in the week several post members had come to the cemetery to place small Ukrainian and American flags on the graves of all the veterans laid to rest there.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 15, 2004, No. 33, Vol. LXXII

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