Ukraine's ambassador to the U.S.

Following is the full text of an address by Mykhailo B. Reznik, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine, on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine. (The text was received on August 23.)

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to extend to you congratulations on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Thirteen years ago the Ukrainian people finally gained a long-awaited independence. Although Ukraine with its great potential inherited the remnants of the Soviet management system and had to overcome great difficulties, such adversities only made us stronger. During this historically short period of time Ukraine succeeded as an independent country. Having overcome the economic crisis, we reformed the national economy into a market economy that has been performing at one of the highest growth rates in Europe for the last four years. We managed to preserve peace and stability within the country and to occupy a prominent place in the world arena.

But the greatest asset of our country is its hard-working, sincere and generous people who made our dream of independence come true. And today I must mention the vital contribution of the Ukrainian community in the United States in making our motherland known and respected throughout the world. Being a Ukrainian is not determined by geography but by one's innermost orientation, not so much by formal identification as by a moral one. It is Ukraine that unites all of us wherever we live.

Ukraine has achieved significant results in many fields of social and economic life, including culture and science. However, we realize that the main work lies ahead as there still are problems to be solved. In this modern interrelated world, the consolidation of achievements and the beginning of a qualitatively new stage of the country's development are only possible with our friends' and partners' support. A special role belongs to U.S.-Ukrainian cooperation which has proven to be an effective key in establishment of the sovereign Ukrainian State. However, the potential of cooperation between our nations is far from being fully realized, and we consider its perspectives with optimism.

Dear Friends, on this festive day we look into the future with confidence. The nation is entering a new phase of development when the talent and industriousness of our people can place Ukraine on par with other prosperous and powerful democratic European countries. This historic opportunity should be realized.

Long live Ukraine!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 29, 2004, No. 35, Vol. LXXII

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