Saturday, September 11

Saturday - Sunday, September 11 - 12

Sunday, September 12

Tuesday, September 14 and Thursday, September 16

Thursday, September 16

Thursday - Sunday, September 16 - 19

Saturday, September 18

Wednesday-Sunday, September 22-26

Saturday - Sunday, September 25-26

Friday-Sunday, October 8-10


Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per submission) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Payment must be received prior to publication.

To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph of no more than 100 words; all submissions are subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required information will not be published.

Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment of $20 for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, please include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours. Information should be sent to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Items may be e-mailed to [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 5, 2004, No. 36, Vol. LXXII

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