Turning the pages back...

September 29, 2002

Two years ago The Ukrainian Weekly announced that it had released its latest book, a compilation of materials prepared on the occasion of the milestone 10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. The name of the book, "Ukraine Lives!," was taken from the title of The Weekly's editorial written in 2001 to mark a decade since the historic act of August 24, 1991, that once again placed the name "Ukraine" on the world map.

The book contains contemporaneous reports on events leading up to the re-establishment of Ukraine's independence, as well as news reports filed from the scene by The Weekly's Kyiv Press Bureau on that momentous day in 1991 when the Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR, proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. Also included are reports on the often tense and exciting events that transpired immediately thereafter, including the referendum of December 1, 1991, that affirmed the Ukrainian nation's overwhelming support for independent statehood.

The 288-page book also covers the compelling events that led up to independence; it transports readers to Ukraine, then still part of the USSR, at the time of the newly proclaimed policies of glasnost, perestroika (or perebudova in Ukrainian) and demokratyzatsia. A detailed timeline covers events from December 1987 through December 1991. In addition, the volume contains unique materials related to Ukraine's first decade of independence - encompassing the fields of politics, the arts, religious life, philately, etc., along with special reports and commentaries related to celebrations of the 10th anniversary of Ukrainian independence. Among the newly published materials in the book is an account of Ukraine's participation in the Olympic Games.

"Ukraine Lives!" is the fourth book released by The Weekly, following the two-volumes of "The Ukrainian Weekly: 2000" and "The Great Famine in Ukraine: The Unknown Holocaust" published in 1983 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Famine-Genocide (a second edition was released in 1988).

Source: "The Ukrainian Weekly releases a new book, 'Ukraine Lives!' " The Ukrainian Weekly, September 29, 2002, Vol. LXX, No. 39.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 26, 2004, No. 39, Vol. LXXII

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