Shostak painting of internees to be donated to military college

TORONTO - An oil painting by Peter Shostak of Victoria's titled "Where Could We Escape To" - part of his celebrated "For Our Children" series - is being donated to the Royal Military College of Canada, in Kingston, Ontario, on Saturday, October 2.

The painting, which depicts Ukrainian internees being escorted under guard, deep in a Canadian forest, evokes memories of Canada's first national internment operations of 1914-1920, when thousands of Ukrainians and other Europeans were needlessly imprisoned as "enemy aliens," herded into Canadian concentration camps, disenfranchised and subjected to other state sanctioned censures.

The painting is being donated by Motria Koropecky, widow of Commander Yaromyr Borys Koropecky, a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada who was particularly aware of the importance of safeguarding minority rights in times of international and domestic crisis. The artist himself will also be attending the commemorative service.

John B. Gregorovich, president of Branch 360 of The Royal Canadian Legion, commented: "This is a very generous donation and a fitting memorial to the late Commander Koropecky. His widow, Motria, their family and the Class of '64 are all to be congratulated for so honoring him."

"Furthermore, this painting, the only one of its kind in Canada, will help to remind all those who pass through the Royal Military College of the importanse of remaining vigilant in defense of the innocent, particularly during times of political unrest and uncertainty," Mr. Gregorovich observed.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 3, 2004, No. 40, Vol. LXXII

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