Ukrainian Americans for Bush headed by Myron and Lesia Kuropas

CHICAGO - Having worked for local Republican candidates for most of the summer, Ukrainian American Republicans have recently come together to formally establish Ukrainian Americans for Bush/Cheney 2004. The purpose of the group is to coordinate and share resources and ideas.

"In all of my years of campaigning for Republican candidates," said Pennsylvanian Vera Andryczyk, "I have never been as emotionally involved. The November election will determine if our nation continues on its present course of lower taxes, a booming economy and stable family life, or lurch left to a candidate who will raise taxes, undermine family values, increase federal spending and allow Iraq to become an incubator for terrorism against America."

"The differences between the two candidates are there for all to see," said Illinoisian Roman Golash. "John Kerry is a jet-set, elitist liberal who has supported left-wing causes his entire political career. Vietnamese Communists honor his picture in their war museum. He openly supported the Sandinistas and Fidel Castro and opposed President [Ronald] Reagan's efforts to dismantle the evil empire."

"The Bush administration has been working with public and private organizations to insure fair elections in Ukraine and has poured more than $55 million in aid to the Ukrainian people," said Ohioan Lev Holubec. "Ukraine, although very dear to my heart, has not necessarily proved to make the best decisions over the past 11 years of its independence, thus our government has had to act appropriately, and yes, often in what we see as the in the best interests of the United States. This makes sense!"

Coordinated by Myron and Lesia Kuropas, Ukrainian GOP state leaders include: Nick Medvid (California); Tania Gajecky (Colorado); Mr. Golash, Michael and Patty Kuropas, Stefko and Lesia Kuropas (Illinois); Dr. Yaromyr Oryshkevych (Maryland); Alex Stanko (Massachusetts); Anatole Doroshenko, Bohdan Fedorak, Dr. Orest and Donna Horodysky (MIchigan); Walter Anastas, Walter Anastazievsky, Dr. Michael Kozak (Minnesota); Leo and Dorette Gallan (New York); Volodymyr and Lydia Bazarko, Andrew Futey, Mr. Holubec, Taras Szmagala Jr. (Ohio); Ms. Andryczyk, Oles Chernyk, Alexander and Ulana Prociuk, Maria Tatunczak (Pennsylvania); Bill Dijak (Texas); W and Walter and Maria Pyskir (Wisconsin).

"Ukrainians have been involved in American political life from the first days of their immigration to the United States, well over 100 years," said Dr. Kuropas, a chronicler of Ukrainian American life. "We realized long ago that this is the greatest nation in the world and we take our citizenship responsibilities very seriously."

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 2004, No. 41, Vol. LXXII

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